Vote for Change

Posted On Sunday, Jan 01, 1950


The definition of the word change is ‘to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.'

The internet and Google have changed the way we search for the meaning of a word. There is little need to pick up a chunky oxford dictionary, when the answers are a few clicks away

President Obama rose from being virtually a nobody, to becoming the first African American President of the United States of America on the back of one word: change.

And change is what Quantum Mutual Fund has been fighting for. A change in the way mutual funds in India tap your savings; a change in the virtually opaque distribution commission structures; a change in the limited information the investor is given about the true picture on commissions; a change to simplify the process of investing in mutual funds on the internet.

Quantum of Change

At Quantum Mutual Fund we are committed to letting investors know that "there is another way". Over the past three years we have shattered many myths perpetuated in the mutual fund industry.

There is a silent evolution of what mutual funds are supposed to be - and what they should not be.

And while we stand steadfast in our commitment to serve you, we recognise that even we need to evolve.

And so we have changed: click here to see our updated website

You can access all the information about our schemes, the NAV’s for each scheme is right on the homepage.

Read and subscribe to our newsletters - Quantum Direct and the Golden Truth online.

You can download the scheme information document for any of our schemes as well as avail of the additional transaction slip, all at the click of a mouse.

We have specially designed tools and calculators for you which will help you plan your financial future and also give you the opportunity to invest online in those funds which will help you achieve your financial goals.

People are always asking us questions:

'How did Quantum start?'
'Why did you choose to go without distributors?"
'Why did Quantum take on the responsibility of India’s first direct-to-investor mutual fund?'

We have answers to these questions in our 'About Us' and our Philosophy sections on the site.

So visit the all new and experience change.

Change is here to stay.
We were the 29th mutual fund house in India, but the 1st to adopt the direct-to-investors approach with the objective of lowering costs to mutual fund investors and to fight for transparency.

How successful we are will be a function of how determined you are for change.

India won independence from the British because that is what the people wanted.
Obama was elected because people wanted change.
In the recent elections in India, regional parties lost ground because people wanted change.

Visit and vote for change.

Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks. Please read the offer documents of the respective schemes before making any investments

Above article is authored by Quantum.

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