About Ajit Dayal

Explore Ajit’s background, personality & interests

Ajit has over 36 years of experience in the Indian capital markets including 7 years of experience in the international stock market as an analyst and a portfolio manager. Voted # 1 Indian Equity Analyst by “Asia Money” in 1993 and 1994. Voted to All-Star Asian Team by “Institutional Investor” in 1994. Ajit was born in 1960. While studying for his MBA at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill in 1981, Ajit had the urge to ‘go back to India and do something for my country’. Realizing the need for foreign capital to help kick-start a sleepy, socialist economy Ajit championed the case for allowing Foreign Investors into the Indian stock markets. In 1990 he founded Quantum with a goal to help the Indian financial markets move from a lower level of orbit to a higher level of orbit – and to ensure that investors (foreign and local) were able to participate in the profits from such economic growth. Having been burnt by investments in companies run by crony capitalists in the early 1990’s Ajit pioneered the introduction of a proprietary Integrity Screen in 1996 to sift out the Indian equivalents of Enron, WorldCom, Yukos, and Wirecard from client portfolios. The partnership from 1997 to 2004 with Tom Hansberger, - co-founder of Templeton, Galbraith & Hansberger - and his 4 years as the Lead Manager for the Vanguard International Value Fund gave structure to Ajit’s evolving desires to build a ‘respected investment institution’ which has resulted in the evolution of Quantum Advisors as one of the most respected investment firms in the business that happens to focus on India and happens to be based in India. Ajit has authored over 100 articles to inform, educate and guide investors on why and how sensible, patient long term capital can enjoy the benefits of India’s continued economic growth – without taking undue risks.

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